Depression in Adolescents


Depression occurs in young people is due to the continued sadness, loss of interest, a sense of loss of self-worth and depression disorder. Depression is often the case under pressure, a temporary response. Depression is the maturation process of young people in a normal phenomenon. It even caused due to the production of sex hormones. According to a study depressed adolescent females more than twice adolescent boys.

Adolescent behavior is often marked with good and bad mood. The transition from a good mood bad mood (or vice versa), it may take a few minutes, hours, or even days. That is why it is so difficult to find the cause of depression. Adolescent depression can be caused due to poor school performance, and break up the boyfriend or girlfriend, and no relationships with family and friends. These reasons can lead to persistent depression. Other serious reason is a chronic disease, obesity, child abuse, stressful life, the lack of social skills, unstable care and family history of depression.

Symptoms of depression in teenagers is eating disorders, weight change, irritable mood, excessive sleeping in the daytime, excessive temper, criminal behavior, memory loss, fatigue, self-absorbed, sadness, difficulty concentrating, feelings of worthlessness, interest loss of self-hatred, obsessive thoughts of death and suicide attempts. When these symptoms have been found for more than two weeks, it is important to get treatment of adolescents. Depression not only affects interpersonal communication, but the school's performance as well. Adolescent depression are more likely to put the drugs and alcohol to try to overcome a depression. These issues require a lot of treatment.

The doctor will take a blood test and a physical examination to determine the cause of depression. Youth can also be used for drug abuse, such as smoking, alcohol, marijuana and other drugs used for testing. After the examination, psychiatric evaluation also do understand the sadness, irritability, loss of interest and reason. Depression can also lead to other mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, mania, anxiety development. Equally important is to determine whether young people constitute a danger to him / herself and others. Family and school staff can provide valuable information about puberty doctor.

Treatment of adolescent depression is similar to the treatment of depression in adults. With teenagers given antidepressants therapy and psychotherapy. Including tricyclic antidepressants, Prozac, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI. Some drugs increase the risk, so it is a good idea, parents discuss the risks with your doctor may arise. Only some antidepressant drugs are aimed at children and adolescents. Adolescent depression severe requiring hospitalization, because they are easier to commit suicide.

Support families and schools is necessary to address adolescent depression. Parents can let their children's emotional growth schools, training camp or wilderness program admission, solve behavior problems. The program consists of non-medical staff and confrontational therapies. But be careful, because some programs can in turn hurt the child who is depressed and sensitive. Adolescents, who were caught, because of criminal acts, should take special care of their parents. This is a consequence of the best children face and draw lessons from. Good response adolescent depression treatment, if their full, early treatment. More than half of adults are aware of depression when they were teens.


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