Wellness of the Spirit

Wellness of the Spirit

Mental health refers to the daily stress our ability to cope with life in our lives. In many cases, the ability to cope with the overwhelming us, if we do not come with the spirit or the health of the soul given enough time, we lose our ability to function properly.
Today, there is a form of anxiety attack weak evidence. The attacks can range from very mild to extremely severe. What happens to us when we experience stress? Our system will enter in the form of shock. Referred to as "spiritual shock"; Nothing is completely wrong to make us sick, and there is nothing wrong with the spirit should not cause panic experience; This is the spirit we have lost control range.
Such control may be instantaneous or it can last for years. The most grueling part of the process is not even in the usual routine. Trips to the grocery store becomes impossible, panic, because their man in creation.
After a brief panic attack these times, I can attest to their reality. This is a terrible event will only increase the panic. People experiencing these attacks feelings, as if they have lost control of their operational capacity. Can not complete the work on time; Not being able to their families, there are many reasons to check us the loss occurred.
I think the likelihood of this hectic pace of the 21st century should strengthen our spirit, our soul, our inner voice to be heard live. We drown every opportunity, working on the day, with their connections, because all our arrangements, all multi-task and left no downtime with our self-talk. It is impossible to listen to their inner needs, whether you are talking on the phone, listening to the radio, or interact with your child.
At the same time, this season has left us no chance of satisfying spiritual needs, we also provide scheduled downtime more opportunities. We have audio, video, and even massage clinic offers us the opportunity to slow down, with the inner self. Never before has so much to help us to help ourselves. What is this? Greatest failure is our own lack of discipline and dedication to the health and well-being. We have a tendency in this age, when the super-human feats to forget that it was the only way to maintain a super-human is to keep that person, that person in all aspects, is very good.
When it comes to health, through focused effort, discipline and dedication, our body, mind and soul. Our spirit and soul health affects all other sections of our people, which is a panic attack, nervous breakdown, unable to cope with existence. Need to participate in our health needs, should be added to our list of daily "to do", so that we have enough time to arrange for ourselves!


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