Heat-Related Illnesses in Teens

Heat-Related Illnesses in Teens

Heat-related disease is due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures and humidity and there is no stay of execution, and caused due to inadequate fluid intake. Children and young people to adapt compared to adults who adapt more quickly to changes in heat. However, the production of high-calorie, they are compared to adults, but relatively little sweat. Sweating is the body's cooling mechanism to combat the heat and the natural action. Children and young people tend to ignore these facts, do not drink enough to his side to play, participate in sports and exercise.

Children and adolescents with chronic health problems or those who are on certain prescription problem may be more susceptible to heat-related. When adolescents are overweight or those who wear heavy clothes in tiring also suffered heat-related illnesses. Heat-related diseases, is basically divided into three types. They are: heat cramps, heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

Heat cramps are the mildest of all the heat when injuries and constitute a muscle spasm pain and spasm strenuous exercise, but also through an intense workout, but also sweating high heat. Heat cramps are painful symptoms include cramping legs. Flushed, moist skin also symptoms of heat cramps. These symptoms may include mild fever generally less than 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat cramps teenage patient should be moved to a cool place, and take enough rest. Remove any excess or let cool clothes and wear clothes, skin and skin cool air-conditioning or a fan. Cool and sports drinks containing sugar and salts can also be taken. Stretch out the muscles cramp slow and steady also helps reduce heat cramps.

On the other hand, compared to hear and heat cramps occur due to salt and water from the weight loss failure is more serious and intense. Under extreme heat conditions, inadequate fluid intake and excessive sweating led to this situation. In addition, heat exhaustion occurs because the body can not maintain normal body temperature is below worsen and lead to heat stroke, which is even worse results. Symptoms of heat stroke include: muscle cramps, moist skin, pale skin, nausea, fever higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, headache, fatigue, anxiety and feeling faint. Teenage stroke patients should stay in the shade around and take enough rest. Remove excess clothing, wear cool clothes, sitting on a fan or air conditioning, but also conducive to the situation. Which contains the salt and sugar intake is also recommended cold sports drink. All these measures should immediately consult physicians if not even a teenager after taking showing signs of improvement.

Heat stroke is the most severe conditions of all heat-related illness. In this condition the body was flooded excessive heat, and regulate body heat will greatly reduce the efficiency of the system, can lead to serious emergency that requires immediate medical care. Symptoms of heat stroke include dry, warm skin, very high fever usually higher than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, increased heart rate, loss of appetite, nausea, headache, vomiting, fatigue, agitation, confusion, coma, convulsions, coma, and even death. A teenager experiencing symptoms of heat stroke, you should stay in a cool place, and there are plenty of rest. Heat stroke is a serious illness and emergencies by calling 911 should be noted in the affected youth should be no excessive clothing, wear cool clothes, cool water on the skin, while seeking to reduce the temperature. Place ice packs in the armpits can also help. Young people drink cold drinks, if the teenager alerts.

Heat stroke is a very preventable, if certain precautions, such as in the hot days of drinking enough water, avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages, wear light clothes, exercise daily cooler time, wearing sunglasses and a hat, an umbrella on a hot day with the sunscreen is at least 15 and the like. SPF


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